Archive for February, 2012

As Valentine’s Draws Near

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Hello everyone,

Searches lead by the Walker County Search and Rescue team continue for Nadi.  As many of you know we will continue our efforts to find her as long as leads come in to us.  The rescue squad has new equipment and is excited to begin using it.

In Nadia’s disappearance, case we’re still waiting for outstanding DNA analysis results from the FBI lab.  Some test results are already in but more work still needs to be done.  We hope to hear more within the next couple of months.

Once again we ask if you have any information regarding Nadia’s whereabouts or if you have any information about our grandson (Nadi’s 4 y.o. son) please contact us through this website.  Just register and send us a message.  Your personal information will be kept confidential.

For Nadia and our grandson, Happy Valentine’s Day!

In His Love,
