Hello everyone,
The one year remembrance for Nadia on the 3rd of this month was just wonderful! We were very touched by the dedicated people who came out to remember her and so thankful for the team who was responsible for orchestrating the event. We’d like to thank Nadia’s friends from school who provided inspirational support to us with their kind words of remembrance. Special thanks to the Homewood Police Department, Walker County Search and Rescue and Mayor McBrayer. It was good to meet someone new from her work as well…we were so glad you came.
Each time Nadia’s story is captured by the media (See ABC Video) new leads are generated and this event was no different. We’re so grateful for those who called in to the Homewood Police Department tip line (205) 332-6262. One individual called with very credible information but did not leave a way for the PD to contact them. Please, if you would, call Homewood PD again! They very much want to talk to you!!
I feel compelled to mention that sadly there’s been a group of people who have tried to compromise our events for Nadia. This group has attempted to derail our efforts to find our daughter and our efforts to provide a better future for our grandson. To those of you who are involved in this group, please know you are welcome to attend events for Nadia and participate in efforts to find her, but if you are truly Nadia’s friends and love her as we do you would not taint her memory by casting a dark shadow over it.
To the people who have taken Nadia’s belongings we’d like you to know we harbor no ill feelings. Eventhough some of those things were gifts from us and her little brother, we have all we need. Please feel free to keep her items since they have importance to you.
To all the lovely people who have supported us along the way, thank you so much. Joey, I’ve received your email and know you and the good people of Australia are thinking of us as we continue to move forward in our attempts to find Nadia. To family and friends in Europe, we know you have been with us from the start. To our friends in Guam, Figi, China, Korea, Azores and Thailand, thank you for your continued support. To all family and friends in CONUS (stateside) we appreciate your friendship and thoughtfulness. To the people of Faith Chapel Christian Center, thank you for inviting us to worship with you and to be part of your family. To Nadia’s good friends from school, thank you for holding her close and not forgetting her. To Angie, thank you for setting up a Facebook site for Nadia. To those I have not mentioned, thank you for staying by our side as we continue our search. What a great tribute you all are to Nadia!
If you have ANY information about ANY aspect of Nadia’s life or her disappearance, please do not hesitate to contact the Homewood PD at (205) 332-6262. You can also contact us in confidence at this website. Please do so and let us know your story. Your story could provide the piece that leads us to find her.
All the Lord’s blessings to you,
Nancy Kersh