Hello everyone,
God’s gift of Christmas makes all the difference in the world in our lives if we invite Him in. Our daughter, Nadia (who disappeared on 3 Nov 2008) did just that. Her letters are full of rejoicing and giving thanks to God for blessing her world with His love. Part of that love for her came in the form of her own son, her son who continues to be separated from his family.
We mourn our precious Nadia and we mourn our precious grandson (we are prohibited from sharing his name). We hope this year we will find Nadia and bring her home to rest. We hope this year we will bring our grandson home to know he is safe and loved. We hope this year things will be set right with him in the complicated Alabama system.
We continue to be patient and lift up our sorrows and concerns to the Lord for He is forever sovereign and His Grace and Mercy endure. We will continue to be patient as we mourn Nadia, her son and her grandpa, who passed three weeks after Nadia disappeared.
What has happened to our family (daughter missing, separated from our grandbaby) could also happen to you. We lived out of state at the time of Nadia’s disappearance and we were not told for three days that she had vanished. Many things happened during those first crucial 36 hours. Nadia’s story and the story of her son is a horrendous story and one day it may be told so that other families can protect themselves against needless heartache.
Remember to protect your loved ones, give them a special hug, kiss and tell them how much you love them. There is much darkness in this world many of us don’t even want to think about, but it’s there. We need to love each other, look up towards the Lord and hand our fears and worries over to Him as He would want us to.
We hope you all have had a blessed Christmas and wish you a wonderful and peaceful New Year.
In His amazing love,
Kevin, Nancy, (in her absence) Nadia, John, Charlie and (in his absence) our grandson
Nancy and Kevin,
Wanted to share some memories of Nadia with you. I was a friend… as a frequent customer at Tria, I visited with Nadia most days she was at work. She was such a sweet, caring woman.
I was pregnant with my second son while Nadia was pregnant with Christopher. We were able to share many stories of pregnancy and since my son was born three months earlier than Christopher, I was able to pass on many of my son’s clothing to her as he grew out of them. Nadia called me when she had Christopher and I was at the hospital shortly after she had him. She was beautiful and so in love with her son.
I frequently invited Nadia to go to church with me. She attended special events at my church but most Sundays she assured me that she had a church home where she was actively attending. I have fond memories of attending the Halloween party at my church (Dawson) with Nadia and Christopher shortly before her disappearance.
Nadia was so excited that she was going to see you at Thanksgiving. She told me many times of the plans she had to be with you… she was so looking forward to it!
December 5, 2008, I had my third child, a daughter. I named her Kiera (pronounced ki-ra), remembering your precious Nadia Kira who was such a sweet friend to me.
I miss Nadia and Christopher much. Nadia was very special to me. I continue to pray for your family and for Christopher… that he would be able to have the loving Christian family that he so deserves.
Thank you for your strength.
Christine McConnell