Three and a Half Years, Nadia, Where Are You?

Hello everyone,

It has been three and one half years and searches continue still for our daughter Nadia Kersh who disappeared on November 3, 2008 from Homewood, Alabama.  Search professionals have located yet another area of interest based on information provided by anonymous tips.  They plan to expand our search efforts to take a closer look at this area.  Please if you have any information that would lead us to Nadia contact us through this website or you can leave an anonymous message with the search team at (205) 305-6555.

Last week Alabama’s Jefferson County Victim’s of Crime and Leniency held a vigil for those who have been lost and/or murdered.  Nadia was among those victims remembered. Her absence tugs at our hearts and thoughts of what may have happened to her continue to plague our minds.  We hope one day we will find her and bring her home to rest.

It is important to remember even though we as Nadia’s family are considered victims of crime, our grandson (Nadia’s son) is also a victim of crime.  Since her disappearance, he has been separated from us and from our love, security and understanding.  It’s twice as disturbing to mention this since Nadia had planned to bring him home (to us) in three weeks when she vanished. As a result of our continued separation we worry about him endlessly.  Should anyone have any information about his welfare please contact us throught this website or contact the Alabama Department of Human Resources.

Given all, we ask for your patience and understanding as we move forward in our search for our daughter Nadia.  As many of you know, with the commitment and aid of Nadia’s search team we have been looking for her for well over three years.  Our eternal thanks to the search team volunteers who have given so much of their time to look for Nadia.  Our heartfelt thanks to the property owners who have given us access to their land and areas identified as potential search spots.

In His Love,


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