Archive for February, 2011

The Search is On Once Again

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Hello everyone,

The latest search for our daughter, Nadia (who disappeared 3 November 2008) is on once again by dedicated professional search teams.  They are searching today in Birmingham, Alabama.  These search efforts are expected to continue throughout the weekend. 

Heartfelt thanks to those people who continue to lend their support to help us find Nadia.  Your dedication is tremendous and does not go unnoticed.  One day I hope to tell her son how you all have given of yourselves to help find his mommy.  The greatest gift you can give him is to show him God’s love through your hard work and long hours searching for her.

The Lord’s blessings to you all,

Nancy for the Kershes

Committed to You

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

Nadia at VCA

Hello Nadie,

As you know your father and I continue our search for you.  We miss you so very much.  As I look at your pictures on my desk I’m reminded everyday you are not here.  I think about how determined you were to succeed in life, how dedicated you were to the Lord to help guide your way.  What more could a mom and dad ask for.  It all ended by your disappearance on 3 November 2008.  The answer to where you are may continue to elude us but we are committed to finding you as long as leads continue to come in…and they have.

As we are committed to you, we are committed to our efforts to bring your little man home.  We’re doing all we can within our means to make that happen.  The Alabama legal system is extremely complicated and we still hope for the best possible outcome for him to be safe, happy and an opportunity to know our Lord…we pray he will come home.  That is our greatest hope and I know it is yours as well.

Our love in Christ,

Mom and Pop

Thank you everyone for your continued support and words of inspiration from all around the world.  Your thoughts and encouraging words help us cope with the daily reminder Nadia is not here. We know the Lord is not about the darkness that surrounds Nadia’s situation.  He is not about keeping her location hidden from us.  He is about hopefulness and salvation.   Those people who have information about Nadia’s whereabouts and are not coming forward are part of the darkness and are being deceived.  Deceived by allowing themselves to believe Nadia’s whereabouts will be solved without them having to come forward.  We know you all have information and are unwilling for whatever convincing reason to share your part of Nadia’s story.  Finding her will be difficult to solve without you.  We will be waiting for your response, your part of her story…for however long it takes.  Feel free to contact us at this website.

In Christ,
