August 2011 Update

August 16th, 2011

Hello everyone,

My apology for our absence.  We have been dealing with litigations and complications involving the Alabama legal system.  It’s been an educational process for us as we move forward to help our grandson (our daughter Nadia’s son whom she left behind when she went missing on 3 Nov 2008).  We ask for your patience as we continue on this journey.

There have been some questions/concerns about the amount of time it takes to receive DNA test results in Nadia’s case.  My understanding is that all lab testing was done at the FBI lab in Quantico, Virginia.  The FBI lab deals not only in missing person/murder cases but cases of even higher priority as well…for example, issues/cases involving national security.  Lab testing in Nadia’s case is taken in turn of priority and so therefore a more lengthy wait for the results.

Search efforts continue in an effort to find Nadia.  (Alabama) Walker County Search and Rescue is the lead team in these efforts.  We’re pleased to announce they will be the guest speaker at this month’s Jefferson County Victims of Crime Against Leniency meeting on 18 August at 6pm.  The meeting will be held at 2200 8th Ave. N, Sheriff’s Department Training Room, 2nd floor, Birmingham, Alabama.  We encourage all who can to attend this meeting and learn more about this search and rescue team and how they do what they do. For more information please contact Wanda Jones Miller at (205) 731-2814 or cell (205) 438-0586.

Thank you all for standing beside us as we continue to diligently look for Nadia.  Search efforts have stepped up and expanded to include some interesting new areas.  We are very thankful for the leads that have come in to assist us in our search.

His Blessings to you all from Nadia’s family,

Kevin and Nancy, brother John and sister Charlize

Happy 26th Birthday Nadi!!!

July 18th, 2011

Hello everyone,

Today is our daughter Nadia’s 26th birthday.  She has been missing since 3 November 2008 and we are still searching to bring her home. 

A number of people have sent in comments on how Nadi had influenced/touched their lives in some way.  We have decided to include some of those in this posting.  The following is a sample of what people had to say…

I was watching it (our graduation video) with my little daughter and started crying when I saw my Nad.  Oh how I miss her so much.  I truly lost a piece of my heart when she disappeared…Nadia Kersh lives on in my dreams. I love you Nad.   -Jacquie  

You were so innocent and sweet…what if I would have went with you to lunch that day (you disappeared), would all of this have been different…when someone asks me to go to lunch (now) I think about you (and) I will just go.  Love always.   -Alaina

Nadia was a rare kind of person.  She knew when to laugh, and believe me, her laugh was contagious.  She knew how to cheer me up, and she knew how to bring life to a dull moment.  Nadia taught me how to pluck my eyebrows and how to deal with the things that were going on around me.  She helped me to understand that the things that were going negatively in my life were all for a bigger purpose.  She said God knew what he was doing when he made me, and that all the bad things that I had gone through in my life were not only going to make me stronger, but they were going to make me stronger so that I could be someone else’s strength and help guide them though things they were going through.  Nadia was fun loving, and creative.  We had a lot of fun with Friday night at Lighthouse, and Nadia made them more colorful and interesting…I just miss Nadia.  She made an impact in my life at school.   -Baeli

Me and Nadia used to work together.  I first met her when she was pregnant…after we stopped working together I came back to see everyone and she was happy to see me and was showing me pictures of her son who is so precious!  That was the very last time I saw her.   -Sarah 

Miss you girl 😉   -Lynnette 

God Bless Nadia.   -Frances

I was a friend… as a frequent customer at Tria, I visited with Nadia most days she was at work. She was such a sweet, caring woman.  I was pregnant with my son while Nadia was pregnant…We were able to share many stories of pregnancy and since my son was born three months earlier…I was able to pass on many of my son’s clothing to her as he grew out of them. Nadia called me when she had (her son) and I was at the hospital shortly after she had him. She was beautiful and so in love with her son.  I frequently invited Nadia to go to church with me. She attended special events at my church but most Sundays she assured me that she had a church home where she was actively attending. I have fond memories of attending the Halloween party at my church with Nadia and (her son) shortly before her disappearance…  (In) 2008, I had my third child…I named her Kiera (pronounced ki-ra), remembering your precious Nadia Kira who was such a sweet friend to me.  I miss Nadia and (her son) much. Nadia was very special to me…   -Christine

Happy Birthday Nadi!!!   We love and miss you so very much!!!  With all our Love, Mom, Pop, John and Charlize

We Continue in Faith

July 6th, 2011

Hello all,

This month is Nadia’s birthday.  She will turn 26 years old on Monday, 18 July 2011.  I’ve asked folks to submit comments about her and how she may have impacted their lives to this website or the Alabama Walker County Rescue Squad’s Facebook site: Nadia Kersh – The Search Continues Until She is Home.  I will post comments on this site as a tribute to Nadia on her birthday (18 July 2011). 

As some of you may know we have stepped up our efforts trying to find Nadia.  The search and rescue team members have been a true inspiration in the search by continuing to donate time and resources as they pursue their calling to find our daughter.

We also continue to press forward to do what we can to bring our grandson (Nadia’s son) home.  It has been a long and tedious effort working through issues in a complicated legal system.  We have worked this issue since his mom (Nadia) disappeared, two years and eight months ago.

Thank you all once again.  We are blessed to have you support us along this journey.  May the Lord bless and Keep you.

In His Name,

Nancy for all


June 3rd, 2011

Hello everyone,

  Our pastor reminded us Memorial Day was a day set aside not to forget the indebtedness we owe those who have selflessly served in some way for the benefit of others.  It’s good to pause and reflect, to ponder and remember the faithfulness of others. 

The search for our daughter Nadia has resumed with countless faithful professional volunteers dedicated to find her.  We are extremely grateful for them as we continue to eliminate areas of interest in our efforts to find her and bring her home.

As followers of Christ and believers in Him, we remember that faith compels us to action, belief leads us to involvement, for there we learn the wonderous lessons of love.  In His love we all move forward in our search for Nadia and in our quest to bring her son home to us. 

Thank you all who have stood by us in faith, love and hope. 

In Christ,

Nancy for all

Devastation Hits

May 4th, 2011

Hello everyone,

Searches for our daughter Nadia have been put on hold for now as the recovery and clean up effort in the Birmingham, AL area continues after horrific storms and tornados hit hard last Thursday. 

Our family would like to let the families hit by the devastation know you are in our hearts and prayers.  We understand there have been many fatalities and missing persons.  Our hearts go out to you.  Rest assured there are many who are working behind the scenes to get relief and supplies to you. We are tremendouly thankful for them and praise the Lord for He lives and works in us.  

Every breath we take…every step we make…every word we speak is to His honor.  

Blessings to you all,


 Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!  Amen.

Candlelight Vigil for Those Whose Lives Have Been Cut Short

April 18th, 2011

Hello everyone,

As the past two weeks have unfolded we have faced more days of delays in the complicated Alabama system.  The process is not one to be rushed.  The Lord reminds us and tells us to be still and wait for Him. And so we will.  May His Grace and Mercy blanket our journey through this process, may it protect our grandson (our daughter, Nadia’s son) as we move forward in our efforts to bring him home.

Thursday evening, 14 April 2011 the Jefferson County chapter of Victims of Crime and Leniency held it’s annual Candlelight Vigil honoring victims and families affected by crime.  Our daughter, Nadia was featured as a missing person as well as hundreds of others who have fallen victim to violent crime.  Hundreds of people were in attendance mourning and honoring those whose lives were tragically cut short.  As your father and I looked upon your picture yet once again we’re reminded of how much we miss you Nadi!

Thank you all who have stood with us in our travels to find our daughter, Nadia and ensure her little man (our grandson) is well taken care of.  We ask for your thoughts and prayers in the weeks and months to come as we continue on our journey down a road of uncertainty with the Lord by our side.  

Blessings to you all.

In His Name,

Nancy for all  

When a Believing Person Prays

March 3rd, 2011

The Search

Hello everyone, 

Yesterday, our pastor reminded us James 5:16 says, “When a believing person prays, great things happen.”  I believe in the power of prayer as a connection to the living God that opens doors for God’s will to be done.  I ask everyone to join us in prayer as we continue to search for our daughter, Nadia who disappeared on 3 November 2008.  Professional volunteer search teams have scoured many areas looking for her, eliminating said areas one by one as we draw nearer to where she may be. Above is a picture of where our search efforts have lead us and for now we are focusing on that area in Birmingham, Alabama. 

In addition we continue to strive to bring our grandson (Nadia’s son) home.  The Alabama state process remains complicated but we are committed to seeing it through.

Thank you all for your continued support as we move forward bit by bit, moving in closer and closer to bring closure to the darkness that surrounds the circumstances of Nadia’s disappearance.  We miss her and our grandson so very much.

The Lord’s blessings to you all.  May His will be done.

His blessings,

Nancy for all

The Search is On Once Again

February 12th, 2011

Hello everyone,

The latest search for our daughter, Nadia (who disappeared 3 November 2008) is on once again by dedicated professional search teams.  They are searching today in Birmingham, Alabama.  These search efforts are expected to continue throughout the weekend. 

Heartfelt thanks to those people who continue to lend their support to help us find Nadia.  Your dedication is tremendous and does not go unnoticed.  One day I hope to tell her son how you all have given of yourselves to help find his mommy.  The greatest gift you can give him is to show him God’s love through your hard work and long hours searching for her.

The Lord’s blessings to you all,

Nancy for the Kershes

Committed to You

February 5th, 2011

Nadia at VCA

Hello Nadie,

As you know your father and I continue our search for you.  We miss you so very much.  As I look at your pictures on my desk I’m reminded everyday you are not here.  I think about how determined you were to succeed in life, how dedicated you were to the Lord to help guide your way.  What more could a mom and dad ask for.  It all ended by your disappearance on 3 November 2008.  The answer to where you are may continue to elude us but we are committed to finding you as long as leads continue to come in…and they have.

As we are committed to you, we are committed to our efforts to bring your little man home.  We’re doing all we can within our means to make that happen.  The Alabama legal system is extremely complicated and we still hope for the best possible outcome for him to be safe, happy and an opportunity to know our Lord…we pray he will come home.  That is our greatest hope and I know it is yours as well.

Our love in Christ,

Mom and Pop

Thank you everyone for your continued support and words of inspiration from all around the world.  Your thoughts and encouraging words help us cope with the daily reminder Nadia is not here. We know the Lord is not about the darkness that surrounds Nadia’s situation.  He is not about keeping her location hidden from us.  He is about hopefulness and salvation.   Those people who have information about Nadia’s whereabouts and are not coming forward are part of the darkness and are being deceived.  Deceived by allowing themselves to believe Nadia’s whereabouts will be solved without them having to come forward.  We know you all have information and are unwilling for whatever convincing reason to share your part of Nadia’s story.  Finding her will be difficult to solve without you.  We will be waiting for your response, your part of her story…for however long it takes.  Feel free to contact us at this website.

In Christ,


Fundraiser Disclaimer

January 15th, 2011

Hello everyone,

Last year on January 18, 2009 the Bottletree cafe in Birmingham, AL hosted the “From Birmingham With Love” benefit for Nadia Kersh.  Nadia’s family wants you to know we were not involved with this benefit or any other benefits for Nadia or our grandson (her son).  We do not know what happened to the proceeds from the “From Birmingham With Love” benefit and Homewood (Alabama) P.D. has been made aware.  

Unless an event is promoted on this website, it is not sanctioned by Nadia’s family.  Also, Nadia’s family is in no way affiliated with any type of “college fund” for her son. 

The search for Nadia conducted last weekend brings us closer to finding her. Hopefully this weekend’s search will allow more to surface and reveal even more new information as professional search volunteers continue to press forward.  We’re eternally thankful to all of them.

Thank you all for standing by us as we continue to look for Nadia and work toward bring her son home. 

His Blessings to you all,

Nancy for all